Sharing is Caring

Cottonelle models both niceness and generosity at this difficult time. See how they do it

Crises have a way of bringing out both the worst and the best in people. To try to tilt the balance away from the selfish and toward the positive, some brands are getting creative in the ways they are engaging with their customers.

One unique way of engaging customers in relief efforts comes from Cottonelle’s #ShareaSquare campaign. The background to this, of course, is the infamous hoarding of toilet paper that has led to shortages in many stores across the United States and jacked up prices from unscrupulous online sellers.

Even while it assures people that it is working on getting those emptied shelves restocked, Cottonelle insists that “we know there is no shortage of kindness.” Accordingly, it set out to both model and inspire generosity.

Like Amazon’s campaign to inspire sharing of ideas from its customer base, Cottonelle is reaching out for engagement, though the reward it offers is not a gift card but an increase in its donation.

Cottonelle has pledged to donate both funds and toilet paper to the United Way Worldwide COVID-19 Community Response and Recovery Fund. In addition to the million rolls and dollars pledged, up to another $100,000 will be donated with $1 credited for each example of toilet paper sharing with the hashtag #ShareASquare through June 1st.