Putting the Socially Distant Customer First

These uncertain times have made marketing a challenge. Here are some ways to stay connected to your customers

Thanks to months of COVID-19 quarantine, many brands face unprecedented challenges as we all adapt to this new reality — particularly when it comes to marketing strategies. What worked just a few months ago could very well be ineffective or even insensitive now.

So how can marketers reach socially distant customers without being off-putting?

By adopting these simple but effective techniques, marketers can help customers feel seen and heard. Use these strategies to address crucial pain points, letting your audience know that you’re still there for them, and will continue to be, long after the crisis is over.

Communication is key

Many companies say that they believe in open, honest communication — but actually accomplishing that is another thing. Transparency isn’t easy, but it’s more important now than ever. Keep the lines of communication open, whether that means staying active on social media or giving customers an easy way to get in touch and express their concerns.

By the way, this also means communicating with your own employees, who are just as stressed about our current situation. As Business2Community puts it, “Communicate what your expectations are around how to deliver to customers.” Also sharing that the long-term forecast is a big question mark.

Be a beacon of hope

While the economic realities of running a business haven’t simply evaporated, brands should word their communications carefully and avoid cashing in on customers’ uncertainty and fear. Or, as Forbes puts it: “This is the time to offer help, not hype.”

In other words, focus more on connecting with your audience as humans rather than selling to them as customers. Reevaluate your planned campaigns, as they’re probably less relevant now than when they were approved. And above all, stay positive and approachable. “Companies who are leveraging fear and uncertainty to promote and sell aren’t winning long-term, loyal customers,” marketing strategist Minal Sampat told Forbes. “To genuinely connect, people need to feel safe and cared for.”

Plan for the post-pandemic new normal

Though no one knows when this will happen, eventually, things will return to some semblance of normalcy. However, that normal probably won’t look like the one we knew before. Customers will resume regular shopping habits, but the general public is more aware than ever when it comes to things like hygiene and cleanliness in business practices.

Here’s an example: In a study performed by Shop Fit Match, 75% of those surveyed — and 85% of millennials — said they would return to physical stores when the pandemic was over. However, 40% said they would be hesitant to try on clothes, while nearly everyone — a whopping 90% — now expects apparel retailers to prioritize hygienic and no-contact shopping options. Think about what this means for your own brand and industry and prepare for a new world of marketing even after quarantine rules have been lifted.

Getting through this unprecedented pandemic isn’t going to be easy, but one thing that helps is knowing that we’re not in it alone. While other brands try to continue business as usual, it’s up to you to offer consumers a sense of hope. With these methods, you’ll weather the coronavirus storm and be ready for whatever comes next.