DIY: Amplifying Your Email Marketing With Personalization

Learn how to get the best results from the most proven marketing strategy out there. This special infographic will help you start

Personalization is so much more than a nice-to-have marketing strategy. You can’t afford to ignore or underestimate it.

Let’s take a look at some eye-opening statistics that will encourage you to take personalization more seriously.

  1. Personalized emails can generate greater ROI when compared to other marketing strategies. The highest median ROI is generated from email marketing, at 21-23%.
  2. According to a report by Ascend2, message personalization is the most effective email marketing strategy, and 50% of marketing influencers use it.
  3. The State of Digital Personalization 2016 report found that 82% of marketers have witnessed an increase in email open rates with personalization.
  4. According to the same report, 56% of marketers have reported an increase in sales, and 75% of them have reported a higher CTR. 58% of marketers also reported an increase in customer satisfaction.
  5. Another research study by Dynamic Yield found that 45.45% of North American customers are likely to respond favorably to emails from retailers, provided they’re customized for them.
  6. Customers are likely to walk away from companies if they don’t personalize their communications. 52% of B2C customers and 65% of B2B customers are likely to switch over to another brand because of a lack of personalization.

These statistics speak volumes about the power of personalized email marketing. Far from an “overhyped” marketing trend, it’s already shaping the current state of customer experience as well as the future of online shopping.

Personalization shouldn’t be limited to addressing customers by their first name. Instead, effective personalized email marketing is much more than that: one-to-one communications based directly on your customers’ interests and preferences.

Here are some of the best examples of how to best use personalization in communications.

1. Personalize Based on Gender – Adidas

Adidas doesn’t send irrelevant information to their customers. They send information on women’s collections and discounts to women shoppers and information about their men’s collection to male shoppers. 

2. Personalization Based on Location – Uber

Uber sends personalized emails to their customers based on their locations and/or frequent travel destinations. For example, to customers who frequently travel to San Francisco, Uber sends them discounted prices to travel to SFO. This tactic also ensures that customers actually use the offers, which increases their revenue.

3. Personalization Based on Past Purchases – Pottery Barn Kids

This is one of the most effective ways to get more people to purchase your products. Send them emails containing product recommendations based on their past purchases. Pottery Barn Kids uses this tactic very well. They send product recommendations about related or complementary products based on their customers’ recent purchases.

For more information on how to get the best results from email marketing using personalization, check out the infographic below.