When OOH Ads Tell You To… Stay In

Brands are investing in Out Of Home campaigns that are meant to keep you safe

Being outside means seeing ads everywhere you go. That’s life as we know it. And it’s not only billboards anymore. Of course.

Recent research from Waze and Forrester found that one in five CPG marketers are already investing in digital OOH (Out Of Home) ads today. And another 44% said they are likely to start investing in it within the next two years.

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But being outside also means keeping social distancing, wearing masks, cleaning your hands. That’s life as we are now learning to live it.

Now, put your hands together – and you’ll get what now seems to be a trend – OOH campaigns about preserving corona-times restrictions.

And with Twitter recently launching such a campaign, we wanted to turn the focus to a few more that are focusing some of their OOH efforts on living-with-corona norms.


In response to users Tweeting about wearing masks, Twitter launched an OOH campaign to combat mask-fatigue.

The pro-mask campaign features billboards across the U.S. that showcase Tweets about “life with masks on.”


A few weeks ago, in the U.K., Extra gum told consumers to “Mask your breath.” 😷


So, you probably already heard that KFC is temporarily changing its iconic slogan, as “finger-lickin’ good” just doesn’t sound so good anymore.

Just Eat

Prompting consumers to order food using an online app, Just Eat launched the “Get Food Delivery like a G” OOH campaign featuring Snoop Dogg. Yes, exactly.

To generate the creative, the OOH ad incorporates day, time of the week, and weather triggers.


The travel company brilliantly combines travel destinations with appeals to dogs and cats passing by on the street using scented posters.

What a great way to catch people’s attention amid traveling lows! Pet travelers are more than likely to remember the ad when things go back to normal, too.


It might seem obvious that a hand sanitizer promotes slowing the spread of the pandemic with OOH campaigns but placing the ads in 40 bus shelters in New York City was extra meaningful.

Burger King

Yes, yes, another genius ad from the burger giant!

This OOH ad features Ronald McDonald making out with Burger King and was plastered at a bus stop in Finland during pride month.

“Proud to see Burger King Finland as the official partner of The Helsinki Pride. Even more proud of our 100% Corporate Equality Index,” shared Fer Machado, Global Chief Marketing Officer of BK Finland.

By investing in the general community’s good, these brands are making sure to stay relevant even if their product isn’t too in-demand right now (hi, Away), and helping their own cause of staying top-of-mind, and nurturing a relationship with customers and potential customers, that is a little bit more meaningful than a simple transaction.