This Halloween Reese’s Will Help You Find Your Candy

Sponsoring this year's Nextdoor's Treat Map should also help the brand with newfound data to build a robust post-holiday CRM Marketing strategy

In this article:

  • Most people polled by Nextdoor said they plan on handing out treats this Halloween.
  • But to make it clear which, they can add their home to the Treat Map for easy identification.
  • The neighborhood network teamed up with Reese’s brand for this year’s Treat Map to make sure the season is filled with more personally-fitted treats than tricks.

Halloween is on the horizon, and candy brands really want to get consumer attention. For Resse’s brand that meant adding on a collaboration with Nextdoor.

On October 1, Nextdoor – an app for neighborhoods where you can get local tips, buy and sell items, and more – announced the launch of its annual Treat Map, which it describes as its “most popular seasonal feature.” It allows neighbors to share their plans for Halloween participation and allow for safer holiday planning.

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According to its poll of close to 40,000 people on its network across the United States, 85% of participants plan on giving out treats while 68% said they will decorate. Nextdoor provides these directions to participate in the annual Treat Map:

  • If you are filling your candy cauldron and handing out treats, mark your home with the candy icon so trick-or-treaters can be sure to stop by.
  • If your home will be decked out as a haunted house in ghoulish adornments, tap the haunted decor icon to attract fright seekers as they pass through the neighborhood.
  • If you are feeling fully spirited by displaying Halloween decorations and handing out treats, select the ghost.

It also provided a video that you can see:

YouTube video player

For 2021’s Halloween, Reese’s is the official Treat Map sponsor. Allen Dark, senior brand manager at Reese’s was quoted in the announcement, saying, “We’re thrilled to be able to help Halloween lovers celebrate the fun of the season and make more moments of goodness with their friends and neighbors by sponsoring Nextdoor’s Treat Map.”

With so many candies vying for consumer attention for this biggest candy event of the year, anything that gives a brand an edge is worth a shot. This initiative can help win loyalty as it is not only relevant and true to the brand’s playful character, but it is also just plain helpful and actually useful. Customers appreciate it when brands help them do stuff. Especially getting candy.  

It would be interesting to note what lift Reese’s enjoyed as a result of this year’s participation when the Hershey’s brand tallies up revenue – and calculates the expected lifetime value of the new customer’s acquired during the holidays. Having a robust post-holiday CRM Marketing strategy in place, one that takes this activity into data as well, is one surefire way to make the most of your holiday new customers., which are known to be worth less than “regular” new customers in the long term.