While demand for travel has plummeted during the pandemic, pet demand has surged. Perhaps it was putting the two together that inspired direct-to-consumer luggage manufacturer, Away, to launch a new pet carrier line in August. After all, you need something to safely convey your pet even if you are only driving out to a dog run.
But Away is not admitting the end of more exotic travel, and brilliantly combines travel destinations with appeals to dogs and cats with scented posters placed close enough to divert the attention of dogs and cats passing by these out-of-home (OOH) ads.
The ads are placed in front of Away retail locations, as well around four cities: New York, San Francisco, Boston, and Chicago.
While demand for travel has plummeted during the pandemic, pet demand has surged. Perhaps it was putting the two together that inspired direct-to-consumer luggage manufacturer, Away, to launch a new pet carrier line in August. After all, you need something to safely convey your pet even if you are only driving out to a dog run.
But Away is not admitting the end of more exotic travel, and brilliantly combines travel destinations with appeals to dogs and cats with scented posters placed close enough to divert the attention of dogs and cats passing by these out-of-home (OOH) ads.
The ads are placed in front of Away retail locations, as well around four cities: New York, San Francisco, Boston, and Chicago.
AdWeek reported that the posters don’t only carry the scent but highlight something about the destination that would draw a dog or cat. For example, the meat-scented Buenos Aires poster says, “meat is easy to steal,” and the cat-nip scented Cairo one assures felines that they will find “the respect you deserve.”
In case the targets are looking online instead of at posters, Away is also reaching out to pet influencers on Instagram (yes, it’s a thing). Not limiting themselves to branding though conventional canine and feline representation, Away, also got Lionel the ‘Hog (short for hedgehog) on board.
People do love to spoil their pets, and certainly they’d like to be able to have them travel along with them safely and stylishly.