On A Quest to Find the Most Relevant CRM Content

Curating content is time consuming and overwhelming. So, we gathered a very short round up of the most relevant, highest quality CRM information for you

In order for your business to thrive at this difficult time, you must be adaptable to change. But more importantly, you need to know what change to adapt to. You can begin by spending time online, scraping through the web on a quest to find the right data from the right sources – and then act upon it. This is what we aim to help you with, by doing some quality curation for you here.

Today it’s thought leadership pieces we loved from the past few days.

#1 – How COVID-19 Will Have A Lasting Impact on Marketing

First up is this one by John Hall, senior contributor at Forbes – where he writes about what marketers should expect in the post-pandemic world and how to gain a competitive edge right now.

His main points:

A) “Now, more than ever, consumers want to know their money is going towards companies that are doing the right thing.”

Customers simply want to know that the brands they love and are shopping with are giving back to society by helping those affected by the pandemic, and the world in general. In other words, that “We’re still in this together.”

B) People may not be buying now, but they are spending more time online. You want to be there to ride that wave by investing in authentic and value-driven content.

“Marketing strategies — now and after the pandemic — should center on using content to create powerful online connections.”

“By humanizing your brand and speaking to consumers’ concerns — not your company’s — you can nurture an ongoing conversation, even among those who are in precarious financial situations.”

#2 – Is Your Marketing Strategy Based on the Right Data?

The second thought leadership piece we summed up for you is by Gregg Johnson, from Harvard Business Review.

It starts buy setting the stage: analytics is where marketers invested the most new budgets last year. “Effective use of data and analytics can help marketers stay anchored to their customers’ changing reality and focused on their moments of truth.”

But, the article also notes that according to Gartner, about 1 of 3 marketers feel they are swamped by too much data. So, the key points here are:

A) One, you don’t need all the data in the world to be able to take data driven decisions that will benefit your business.

Remember, curation is the secret souce!

B) And two, make sure you are looking at the right direction – as customer behavior is changing, and consumers interact with brands now more than ever on chats, phones, and emails – these also must go into your basket of “digital data”.

“While it may be easier to measure and optimize email open-rates or website visits, marketers need insight into the conversations that are converting to sales. That means analyzing phone calls the same way as any other digital activity.”

Then, once you got all this data, you’ll obviously need a CDP with a brain to help with all that. Wink wink.