More Shoppable Pins for the Holiday Season and the UK

Getting “One step closer to our goal of making every Pin shoppable,” as Pinterest puts it

Pinterest just announced that it is rolling out new shopping tools intending to bring it “one step closer to our goal of making every Pin shoppable.” While some of these shopping tools had already been available in the US, Pinterest is now bringing them across the Atlantic to the UK.

For Pinterest users, this will translate into seeing more ads when they do their searches and more places to shop. For marketers it means seeing more analytics on their content, whether it’s organic or paid.

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Leveraging the growth of Pinners

Though it has not grabbed attention like TikTok, Pinterest usage grew a whopping 50% in the first half of 2020, as people who could not shop in stores consumed a lot more online content, including Pins. Pinterest says that it’s seeking to leverage that attention in offering more places in which sellers can promote their Pins and showcase ads where they will draw attention.

The platform explains:

Retailers have been eager to be able to deliver their catalog content within these new Pinner experiences. Three of our most highly trafficked and visible places to shop – Lens, the shop tab in search, and shopping on Pins (coming soon) – can include ads.

Leveraging insight from measurable performance

One capability still limited to the US is that Pinterest Verified Merchants and Shopify retailers would be able to view the impact of their content on their site visits and checkouts. On that basis, they can discover which of the Pins convert the best and consider turning those into their paid ads.

This insight would extend for the entire purchase journey, as Pinterest assures retailers that “they’ll be able to track their activity funnel and see how Pinterest audiences converted on the path to purchase – from page visitors, to Pinners who added to cart, to purchasers.”

It certainly sounds compelling for those eCommerce businesses who can reach their target market through this platform. Pinterest, of course, is rolling this out for holiday sales now, as its users are the ones who start their holiday inspiration searches particularly early.