From the Vault: Customer Segmentation

Here we curate our best archival items around a specific topic. Think of it as an ad-hoc ebook. This time: Customer segmentation

This is the 6th edition of our “From the Vault” series – where we bring you the best still-relevant articles we’ve ever published around a specific topic.

You can see it as a kind of a makeshift ebook, or a textual, on-demand online course of sorts.

We do it because we think curating great content is the best thing we can do for our readers. Sometimes it’s even more valuable than publishing great new content.

And this time, the links below will take you on a journey full of Customer Segmentation know-how.


1.4 Benefits of Customer Segmentation for Higher Profitability

Rarely does one size fit all. And that is why we need customer segmentation as the base of any marketing strategy.

2.Generation Z is Here: How to Retain and Engage Them

The next generation of customers has arrived. Are you ready for them?

3.Advanced Segmentation and Automation Are Changing the Marketing Game

With AI-powered automation, marketing becomes faster and more data-driven, which makes it more targeted and more effective.

4.Five Segmentation Pitfalls and How to Avoid Them

Getting your customer segmentation wrong can ruin your business. Check these five segmentation pitfalls and make sure to avoid them.

5.Analyzing Sephora And Its Unique Segmentation Efforts

An inside look at the makeup retailer’s strategic customer segmentation plan.

Keep your content (and readers) on their toes with these six copywriting trends.

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