From the Vault: Customer Journey

Here we curate our best archival items around a specific topic. Think of it as an ad-hoc ebook. This time: Customer Journey

This is the 13th edition of our “From the Vault” series – where we bring you the best still-relevant articles we’ve ever published around a specific topic.

You can see it as a kind of a makeshift ebook, or a textual, on-demand online course of sorts.

We do it because we think curating great content is the best thing we can do for our readers. Sometimes it’s even more valuable than publishing great new content.

And this time, the links below will take you on a journey full of Customer Journey know-how.


1.Map Out Your Customers’ Journey With a CDP

All customers follow their own paths to purchase. That’s why you need the insight into each one that only a CDP can deliver

2. How to Improve the Customer Journey with Micro-Moments

When it comes to shopping, the smallest moments sometimes have the biggest impact

3. How to Digitize Your Customer Journey

5 quick tips to help you create a digital customer journey

4. Client Onboarding in 2020: Keeping the Customer Engaged and Moving Forward

Make customers fall in love with your brand from the get-go, and they’ll stick around well into the future

5. Customer-led CRM Journeys Mapped by AI? It Exists!

Brands that manually automate customer journeys are falling behind. AI-driven Self-Optimizing Journeys drive much higher campaign uplift and are the only way to ensure CRM personalization at scale



See our previous From the Vault: