Fashion and Maintaining Fitness at Home

UK online fashion brand joins the battle of the fittest as the ongoing coronavirus pandemic leaves us at home for weeks

“Guess we’re all workout people now” was the subject line of the email ASOS sent on April 13th. The message continued with The rise of the home workout above this gif.

No gym is no excuse

The message continues with the theme of everyone being in this together and benefiting from maintaining a fitness routine at home. The brand is, obviously, promoting its workout wear, though it also is sharing useful content for its customers with workout inspiration.

@ASOS on Instagram features #AtHomeWithASOS workouts created by the brand for its customers. It also links to a 30 minute workout at home video that takes less than 5 minutes to watch on YouTube:

It is evident that while we’re practicing social distance, we’re consuming more video content than ever. Some of that should be of the variety that gets us to improve our health. And fitness is a good association for a brand to build up for now and for the future.