Beyond Keywords and Algorithms: 5 SEO Tips for the Modern Age

In 2020, there’s so much more to SEO success than stuffing posts full of key phrases

Search engine optimization is an ever-changing beast. With Google frequently changing up its algorithms and every website on the internet vying for that coveted page-one search ranking, it’s hard to keep up. The common practice to achieve SEO success is to focus on strategic keywords and phrases. While that approach is certainly valid, there are many more nuances to the overall formula.

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From incorporating new technology to improving the user experience, here are five ways to boost your SEO performance beyond the obvious. As part of a comprehensive search engine optimization plan, these strategies will give you a leg up on the keyword-focused competition.

Give Customers a Voice

“Siri, what’s the weather like today?”

“Hey Google, when’s my next meeting?”

“Alexa, play the Hamilton soundtrack.”

Voice-activated smart devices dominate today’s tech landscape. Phones, computers, speakers, TVs — if it’s connected to the internet, chances are there are ways to talk to it. According to Forbes, users conduct around 30% of web searches without a screen in 2020 (though some estimates are higher), which means smart marketers need to accommodate voice search in their SEO strategies.

What does this mean in practice? You’ll need to think more about how people actually talk and tailor search phrases accordingly. Think about it: when speaking out loud, you’d likely say something like “When is the Super Bowl?” instead of “Super Bowl date time.” Keep in mind that this isn’t just about convenience; for some people, voice commands offer accessibility in a way traditional inputs don’t.

Stay Up to Date

So, you had some hot content climbing the Google rankings, but time has passed, and they’ve fallen off. It’s just part of the process, right? Not necessarily. By refreshing older content with newer, more relevant information, you can give your SEO-friendly posts a second wind. Consider treating your blog posts as living documents you can update, instead of artifacts fixed in time.

For example, if something that got a lot of attention last year has new details available, add them! Tips and advice from 2018 and 2019 could likely use some new context given the long, strange year 2020 has been.

Pillar posts may also need new entries. Don’t force it but find organic ways to put your already-published content in the spotlight once again to give it another chance at search engine success.

Don’t Neglect the User Experience

You can stuff your metadata full of the most effective keywords for your brand, but if your website doesn’t provide a fluid user experience, that’s not going to matter. In 2020, Google takes things like loading speed into consideration for its search rankings. In other words, the UX needs to be top tier if you want your SEO efforts to pay off.

This likely isn’t something you can fix on your own, but you can work with your tech team to find any optimizations that will improve load times and the overall experience. This is even more important when you consider the mobile audience, who have grown to expect instant results when zipping around from app to app and website to website.

Aside from making your website a more welcoming place for potential customers, which is always a plus, having quicker load times puts you at an advantage when competing for SEO rankings.

Go Viral

“Going viral” is easier said than done. It can be hard to predict what content the internet will latch on to, retweet, meme, and share. However, creating shareable content is a big part of the SEO game, as you want those ever-important backlinks from other websites to boost your rankings. Keep this in mind throughout the creative process, as things like tone, humor, messaging, and visuals will directly affect SEO success.

There’s no one-size-fits-all approach to viral content, but there are some best practices you can rely on. Creating easy-to-digest infographics that present relevant, engaging information at a glance,  are easy to share. Today’s consumers also respond well to content that aims to forge a genuine emotional connection with its audience. When appropriate, leverage humor, memes, and pop culture references. Let your creative team thrive and reap the SEO benefits.

Stay Close to Home

When users Google “Mexican restaurants,” they’re probably not looking for an explainer on the history of nachos; it’s much more likely that they’re hoping to find a nearby eatery to get their taco fix. Local SEO is critical to any brand’s overall optimization strategy, particularly for brick-and-mortar businesses hoping to boost in-store sales.

In addition to utilizing generic keywords that typically pop up in your industry, make sure to include information about the business’s surrounding area with regional and geographic search terms. That means including local insights in web copy, as well as sprinkling these regional details throughout the metadata. Just make sure users know where to go when they want to buy what you’re selling.

SEO isn’t easy, especially when the rules keep changing. While there’s no predicting what algorithm tweaks Google will make next, these tips will help you keep your content relevant, shareable, and easy to find for the foreseeable future. On top of that, good UX, creative content, and accessibility never go out of style.