Not Enough Personalization

Looking into the results of the first 10 times we analyzed brands' basic CRM tactics according to our "7 commandments" shows where the improvement is needed

Earlier this year, when it became clear that the world has changed so profoundly that we all need to adjust some of our marketing approaches – the internet was flooded with lists of tips on how to “market the right way, in the new normal” and all that jazz.

We at PostFunnel gathered many such articles and listicles and were able to identify 7 “tips” that were the most important/popular/prevalent. We coined the “the 7 commandments for CRM right now”. And since then this “right now” didn’t go anywhere, and all these “truth”, or principles if you want, just became the basic tactics for any LTV-growth aspiring CRM team.

Over almost 20 weeks since we published the first analysis, we tweaked the 7 commandments a bit. “Giving Discounts” became “Incentives and Perks”. (sounds better right?) “Personalize” became “Realtime Personalization”. But the basic truths at the heart of it all stayed the same.

Brands must be wayyyy more human, relevant, helpful, considerate, personalized, social, and transparent than ever before. And there’s no getting these horses back into the barn.

And so, at first, we published these analyses every once in a while.

Then, quite recently, we started doing one EVERY WEEK. They are popular with our readers, we love to write them (right, Dafna?), and so – why not?

Here below you can see a beautiful summary of the first 10 brands we analyzed. Round 1, sort of speak.

So feast your eyes with this infographic, and keep scrolling for more insights.


What can we learn? Here are 5 main takeaways I was able to extract from the numbers.

  1. Being helpful, staying relevant, and keeping transparency were top priorities for brands during the period of these analyses – mostly throughout the first wave of the coronavirus breakout.
  2. Besides being helpful – which, again, was something practically everybody was trying to be during the first months of the corona crisis – mastering the user experience on the site was the category with the most 8s, 9s, and perfect 10s.
    It’s safe to say that in 2020, having a great website is indeed a bar everybody’s taking seriously.
  3. When it comes to personalization and mostly realtime personalization, we saw the biggest disparity.
    And so, while two brands got a perfect 10, three got a round zero and another got a lowly 1.
  4. in other words, while UX is basic, realtime personalization is clearly something a lot of brands are still behind at, even though customers are expecting it, and even though personalization engines’ ROI has long been proved incredibly positive.
  5. With an average score of 4.7, personalization is the category with the lowest average score across the 10 brands.

Is there a brand you’d like us to test next?

Go here to see all of our “7 commandments” analyses.

And watch this space for the summary of our second batch of 10 brands.

in the meantime, hooray Petco – for being the champions of Round 1.