Free eBook: “Marketing Amid Corona” is a New Paradigm

Our best writers and best analyses, provide well-rounded coverage that will take you deep into the rest of 2020, and most likely beyond

When we first started using the term “Marketing Amid Corona” – around mid-March 2020 – it was meant to describe a specific sort of Marketing Amid Crisis, basically. A global crisis, with a pandemic+recession twist to it, with all that lockdown, quarantine, social distancing, and ventilator talk. 

But still, a passing thing, nonetheless. 

And, boy, were we wrong. 

Get the Free eBook: Marketing Amid Corona: Lessons, Thoughts, and New Norms 

Athe tragedy grew bigger, the lost lives amounted, and the economic catastrophe took hold, this crisis affected our lives more profoundly than we could imagine. 

Customer behavior and expectations shifted quickly, too, as a result. And now marketers face a new reality. 

And so, saying Marketing Amid Corona does not merely mean “how to market while the world is under lockdown because of a huge health crisis.” Nor does it say, “how to market with sensitivity during a global recession.” 

No. “Marketing Amid Corona” now, simply putindicates the new right way to go about marketing. From now on, there’s a new paradigm. 

Over the last few months, PostFunnel has been diving deeply into the effects of it all. On how brands and marketers adjust to these new norms. Our best writers tackled this complex topic with their best analyses – and now we wrapped the best-of-the-best here for you, in a well-rounded coverage that will take you deep into the rest of 2020, and most likely beyond. 

The 10 pieces found in the eBook were carefully curated to provide you with an in-depth look into what this new “right way” actually means. 

We don’t have all the answers. If you know the person who does, please let us know! But we do consider this eBook a fantastic place to start thinking about what you should be re-thinking. With some useful tips, too.

I hope you’ll find it as thought-provoking as it is actionable.  

Keep safe and prosper,
Nitsan Peled