Brand Loyalty in the Age of COVID-19

Empathy is the key to cultivating loyalty that lasts

To survive coronavirus, brands must engage and retain their most valuable customers. Naturally, the safest way of accomplishing this is to provide clients with something of value. Brick and mortar businesses need to understand the mindsets driving their customers’ purchases as they shelter in place. With empathy and creativity, you’ll be able to implement a loyalty program that supports your isolated audience.

The new loyalty

Don’t be too concerned if your business doesn’t already have an established loyalty program. While retaining customers is undoubtedly an important goal during the lockdown, loyalty efforts serve another purpose right now. Not only are you thanking your clientele for keeping your lights on, you’re also supporting them during a strange and uncomfortable situation. By providing them with a semblance of normalcy, you give them something of equal value to your product or service. Keep that in the forefront of your mind as you develop your plan.

Offer incentives to shop

With so much time on their hands and no chance of hitting the shops, your customers are spending more time and money buying online than ever. Consider the various ways you can incentivize them to buy from you, rather than a different business. Cut costs on shipping, include a bonus item with purchase, provide curbside pick-up, or spend a percentage of proceeds on food for frontline healthcare workers. Appeal to their humanity as well as their practicality, as both are likely impacting their buying decisions.

Use technology to stay connected

People in quarantine miss the ordinary human contact that comes from stopping into a pub for lunch or browsing a boutique for a new pair of shoes. Provide a sense of togetherness by organizing “happy hour” video conferences or chats. Free apps like Zoom and Discord make it easy and safe for large groups of people to get together for conversation and games. Consider organizing game nights of Heads Up or trivia to keep your business top of mind with customers. The good vibes you create will translate into loyalty that lasts past the lockdown.

If you already have a loyalty program

If your business already has an established loyalty program, now is the time to kick it into high gear. Double the points or stamps customers receive for using a particular part of your service, or on certain days. Expand the number of items or benefits they get for reaching reward milestones. Offer bigger incentives for referring friends who become customers.

This is your opportunity to shout “THANK YOU” from the metaphorical rooftops and to make your customers feel genuinely appreciated. It’s also an opportunity for you to use your customer data to great effect. A deli might send a customer a cheeky email from their most-commonly ordered sandwich saying “I miss you.” Remember, what your customers want more than anything is to feel like themselves and restoring part of their routine can go a long way towards achieving that.